Teacher Training Scholarships | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI

Teacher Training Scholarships

Dragonfly is committed to bring yoga to anyone who seeks it – every shape, every size, every person – regardless of background or financial status. Giving back to the community is a vital part of Dragonfly’s mission and to reflect that we have created a Teacher Training Scholarship program.

Scholarship amounts

We offer two $300 scholarships for each training session.


  • Apply & be accepted to our 200 Hour Training Program
  • Annual income of less than $30,000
  • Practice yoga for at least 6 months (please get signature a from certified teacher)
  • Display a passion for yoga and a strong ability to guide/lead a class
  • Complete a scholarship application (below)
  • All finalists must meet with Tiffany for a final interview
  • Teacher Training Scholarship Application