West Madison & Middleton, WI | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Middleton Class Schedule

Middleton Studio details


The studio opens 30 minutes before class starts, closes 30 minutes after class ends. Please see schedule above for hours!

Maps & Parking


We are on Junction Road just south of Old Sauk Road. Stay on Junction for only 0.1 miles and look for us on the right hand side. Park in the lot and use the door with our logo on it. We are on the 2nd floor. If you need the elevator, use the door further down with the salon logo "Suite 608" on it. Take it to the second floor. When you get off the elevator, take a right and come all the way down the corridor. Our studio is directly above Caspian Grill!


We offer free parking in the lot behind the building.


Free Parking

Parking lot behind the building


Free showers available

Tea Lounge

Free tea and lounge to enjoy before or after class

Mat Rentals

Mat rentals are free for all paying clients

Towel Rentals

Towel rentals are free for all paying clients

Water Fountain

Free filtered water filling station available

UV Light Mat Cleaning

Mat cleaning with our state of the art UV light mat cleaner available for a small fee

Apparel & Merchandise

Check out our yoga apparel and curated retail items!

See the studio

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