Downtown Madison, WI | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Downtown Class Schedule

Downtown Studio details


The studio opens 30 minutes before class starts, closes 30 minutes after class ends. Please see schedule above for hours!

Maps & Parking


Dragonfly Hot Yoga Downtown is just off of State St on W Johnson St in the Ovation 309 building. We are on the 2nd floor above Turnstyle Cycling. Enter the building using the main entrance on Johnson St (The doors with the big 'O' above them). Take the stairs in the lobby to the second floor, we are down the hall to the left.


If you need to park, we recommend the Overture Center garage, at 300 W Dayton St. From the Overture Center garage, walk towards Henry Street. Take a left on to Henry Street to the corner of State Street and Johnson. Take a left on Johnson Street and the Ovation 309 building will be on your left. Walk into the building, through the the front lobby, and take the stairs on the right up to the 2nd floor!



Free showers available

Tea Lounge

Free tea and lounge to enjoy before or after class

Water Fountain

Free filtered water filling station available

Mat Rentals

Mat rentals are free for all paying clients

Towel Rentals

Towel rentals are free for all paying clients

UV Light Mat Cleaning

Mat cleaning with our state of the art UV light mat cleaner available for a small fee

Apparel & Merchandise

Check out our yoga apparel and curated retail items!

See the studio

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