Melissa P.
200 CYT - 2017
My Teaching Style
So much of our yoga practice stems from a good foundation in our footing or stance.
My teaching style and practice often challenges those basic positions, pausing for reflection or maybe adjusting our stance slightly —not for perfection but finding an edge, a tone that is right each individual at that moment. This “right” swings vast and wide from day to day! Trust me. It’s often humbling... The class may have a theme, poem or meaning to carry us until next time we meet and it often has music.
My yoga career started here at Dragonfly—my very first yoga class, my yoga certification and now my teaching practice.
Favorite Pose
My favorite pose, today, is child’s pose. As the name suggests, it allows me to remove myself from the daily grind of being an adult; reset my mind, body and breathe.
Favorite Quote
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”
Why I Love Dragonfly
Breathing deeply reminds me to find comfort in the safe, free from judgement environment Dragonfly consistently provides.
Knowing this, permission is granted to conserve or extend energy as needed. No need to ask. It’s all good.
Little Known Fact About Me
My favorite room in the house is the kitchen.
Melissa P's Class Schedule