Fitchburg Yogi of the Month: Sonia Montero | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Fitchburg Yogi of the Month: Sonia Montero

How did you get started at Dfly?/ What is/was your yoga/barreamped experience before Dfly?
A friend suggested it. I’ll never forget our first class was Fire!!!! Even though I had never done any yoga before that I was still hooked. I has zero experience and now looking back I don’t know how I caught on with all the poses. I was like “Warrior who?”

What do you enjoy most from attending Dfly classes?
I don’t know where to start! I love the instructors, front desk staff, and obviously the other yogis. I think I have made a few, if not a lot of new friends. It’s such a positive environment. If I am having a rough day I know I need some yoga and never regret attending!!

Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
I don’t know how to explain it all but not only my body but my mental health after a class feels amazing. Getting on my mat and putting all my focus on me, sweating out the day’s stresses for an hour is the best feeling ever. I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life and finding Dragonfly has definitely made me a better person. I don’t know! It’s really changed my life and helped me through so many bad times. I have cried on my mat a couple times but it was a good cry. I have went through some tough times and yoga has really really helped me get through them. It really helps seeing all the happy friendly faces.

How often do you attend classes? Favorite class?
Having two jobs it really depends on my work schedule. I definitely do 3 to 4 a week with a goal of 5-6. My favorite classes are Yoga Up, Power Up and Circuit Up. (So happy to see it on Thursday nights now!!)

Seeing Tiffany on Monday nights, Carrie on Wednesday, and Ashley on Thursday is a MUST!!! Shawn’s Saturday Yoga Ups are the best too. Look forward to hearing Shawn’s playlist and will always think to start burpees when I hear the song Roxanne. I often forget how amazing a good Flow class is. Geez, I love Fusion and Fire too!! I don’t know if I have one favorite class.

I have never been big into class workouts. I remember having the most anxiety walking into the studio and having to ask someone to make room for me. I even turned around and went home one time. Now I have confidence and feel right at home at Dfly.

Instructor Tiffany Geier: Sonia is the perfect choice for Fitchburg’s YOM! She is a dedicated and inspirational member, who you can often find taking on one of our challenges (during our summer challenge she took 5 classes in a day, woo-hoo)! Sonia takes many classes at Dragonfly, but I get the honor of having her come to my Monday night Yoga Up classes. Sonia leads and motivates those around her by doing the work on her mat with a smile. I love having her in class, as she continues to teach me the meaning of commitment and compassion. Congrats Sonia!!!