admin | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI - Part 6


Val H.

How did you get started at Dfly? What is/was your yoga/barre experience before Dfly? I discovered Dragonfly during the pandemic. I had never practiced hot yoga before. Yoga, yes… but not hot yoga. Being introduced to hot yoga while wearing…

Lydia W.

How did you get started at Dfly? My sister-in-law brought me to a class back when I was a student at UW-Madison. What was your yoga/barre experience before Dfly? I had done yoga a handful of times before Dfly, but…

Ken Baker

How did you get started at Dfly? I moved from Chicago to Madison last year. I made it my goal to try new things and meet new people. I hadn’t done hot yoga for many years and when I saw…

Ashley Duplayee

How did you get started at Dfly?/ What was your yoga/barreamped experience before Dfly? My best friend Ashley and I went to lunch one day in January and we were talking about workouts. My dog Rockne had passed unexpectedly in…

Shelli Koistinen

How did you get started at Dfly? I relocated to Madison in 2017. Shortly after moving here I ran into a friend who was a Dragonfly member and she encouraged me to try it out. About two weeks after seeing…

Kristin MacLeod

I started at Dragonfly in the summer of 2016 when my middle daughter was 8 months old. I was looking for something to enhance my mental and physical wellness after having a second baby. I was immediately hooked and have…

Jan Miller Albertsen

I retired from my career as a psychotherapist this past July with the intention of joining Dragonfly at that time. It was actually “number 1” on my retirement to-do list! I had heard good things about the studio and it’s…

Hannah Schulz

How did you get started at Dfly? I started at Dragonfly in summer 2018. My good friend, Emily, was a member and she invited me for Ashley’s Sunday morning Yoga Up at Middleton. Despite slipping and sliding all over my…