Chyann W. | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI

Chyann W.

How did you get started at Dfly?
My lovely friend, Marc Milone who until recently taught here, invited me to their classes, and I signed up for a membership when the new Verona location opened.

What was your yoga/barre experience before Dfly?
It was pretty limited; I did some classes offered by gyms over the years and YouTube videos every once in a while.

What do you enjoy most from attending Dfly classes?
I really appreciate the variety of classes offered, and the heat. It feels great to sweat out stress or anything else going on.

Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
It really helps me decompress after work, and I’ve become more flexible and strong (especially in my arms).

How often do you attend classes? Favorite class?
I try to attend 3 classes each week. I don’t know if one is my favorite! Depending on where my energy is at, I can find a class that matches that. I attend Core Flow, Power Up, and Yoga Up classes most often.

Instructor Katie Monk: “Chyann is a yogini that teaches others around her patience and grace through her own practice.Subtly fierce, in flow classes she consistently pushes herself to find her edge and explore new poses or amplifications; however, she is equally adept in knowing when to back off or to take modifications and rest. This is one of the many ways she demonstrates wisdom beyond her years. In Power Up, Chyann always leads by example in the front of the class—lifting safely and ramping up in a way that encourages others around her to keep going (safely) when they want to quit. Lastly, Chyann has one of those yoga-student qualities that is of the utmost importance for long term success—a consistent practice. Chyann frequents all four of our locations—so make sure to Congratulate her on being our Yogi of the Month the next time you see her!”