Tony S. | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI

Tony S.

How did you get started at Dfly?
I came to Dfly looking for something. In late 2014 I was in a bad place with my mind and spirit and I had seen the sign in Fitchburg a million times and thought some instructed breathing/exercise could be what I needed to help heal myself and boy did I find something special and also exactly what I was looking for.

What is/was your yoga/barre experience before Dfly?
Zero. Less than zero if possible.

What do you enjoy most from attending Dfly classes?
The energy. I do mostly UP classes and for me it’s that simple, the energy in the room means everything. It’s the energy of the room that pushes us to do more, dig deeper, give that maximum effort when our bodies don’t always want to cooperate.
If I had to pick a silver medal it would be the sense of belonging. I don’t feel like just a client or anything here, I feel like I’m part of it, like I truly belong.

Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
In my opinion it would be impossible to regularly attend classes here and not feel something changing. It could be something as simple as maybe a little bit more hip mobility, or a slightly stronger core. I’ve experienced these, and other very tangible changes too, but the biggest has been a change in mindset, positivity and energy. And while I value the physical changes so much, it’s the change in outlook that has been the piece of Dfly I carry with me everyday that I love most.

How often do you attend classes? Favorite class?
I try to hit 3-5 a week. 3 would be a bad week in my mind (although summer has been hard due to kiddos and schedules — oh well ). Anything with UP in it but I love Circuit UP a lot.

Please feel free to share any other thoughts you have about Dfly, hot yoga, or your life as we would love to know more about you.
While I’m sure it’s not ALWAYS fun, easy, or any of that…I hope those of you who make this place the slice of paradise what it is, take a second to appreciate it and smile a bit for putting something soooo good out in the world. Dfly is just walls and a very hot room, but it’s the people who make it truly special. So to those instructors, employees, fellow yogis…everyone….THANK YOU.

Instructor Lauren Cabalka: “Tony comes into the studio with a smile on his face and ready for a challenge. Whether it is in weight selection, range of motion, intensity or trying something new, Tony pushes himself in a variety of classes and in so many ways. He is encouraging to everyone in our community and is always having post-class chats with other DFly members and staff. He is truly a pleasure to have in class and to be around and I am so inspired by the work he puts in on a daily basis to live a healthy and fit lifestyle.”