Julio V. | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Julio V.

How did you get started at Dfly?
I began practicing yoga at DFly around five years ago, and since 2024, I’ve been doing yoga at least five times a week.

What was your yoga/barre experience before Dfly?
My experience with yoga before was sparked during a Molecular Anthropology class where we discussed the potential health benefits of yoga. We looked at evidence showing that yogic practice can have a measurable effect at the molecular level, such as reducing NF-kB activity, increasing the activity of the inflammatory glucocorticoid receptor, enhancing natural defense genes and microRNA-29c expression, and promoting cellular longevity. This implies benefits for brain health, ocular health, and natural defense against viruses. I was impressed by this information and decided to try yoga, more specifically at Dfly.

What do you enjoy most from attending Dfly classes?
I found myself impressed by the commitment and knowledge of Dragonfly instructors and how welcoming the whole staff makes you feel. They create a sense of familiarity and trust, which are the triggers for many “positive epigenetic” changes.

Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
As a scientist, I can attest that my journey at Dfly has been transformative. I’ve experienced a significant reduction in my chronic back pain, a sharpening of focus in my scientific data analysis, and a profound improvement in my mental well-being. This personal growth and empowerment I’ve experienced is a testament to the power of yoga at Dfly.

Instructor Lexie Balgeman: “Julio is a joy to have in class. He always comes to class with a smile and keeps that smile throughout his practice. He’s always up for a challenge. I’m so grateful that he joins my classes and he’s a part of the Dragonfly community.”