Esther F. | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Esther F.

How did you get started at Dfly?
I moved to Madison in the Fall of 2023 for a Fellowship and the first thing I did was look for a yoga studio that was close to campus and only after locating Dfly, I looked for an apartment that was close to the studio. This shows how my practice came before anything else!

What was your yoga experience before Dfly?
I was introduced to yoga when I was going through a severe personal crisis and it changed my life. It became my refuge, my home away from home. I have been a student of Bikram yoga for many years, then I became curious and open to other types of yoga and Dfly has given me the opportunity to keep learning and discovering new styles.

What do you enjoy most about attending Dfly classes?
The variety of classes and teachers. When I have the time and feel strong, I make myself crazy schedules. On Mondays, for example I take Yoga up, Flow and Barre one after the other!

Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
Yoga practice saved my life. My mental and physical health has tremendously improved. I, now, try to organize my life around my practice. It is demanding but, for me, it is worth the effort. For example, in order to practice almost every day of the week, I need to sleep well, finish my work duties on time to be able to spend 2 hours at the studio, eat healthy, avoid bad habits…All the pieces fit around my practice and that gives me a lot of stability in my life.

How often do you attend classes? Favorite Class?
I try to go every day for one class at least (when I am not traveling or have deadlines). Ideally, I take two classes in a row that complement each other. Yin classes are my gift to myself. They are my favorites, they have the magical power to regenerate you from the inside.

Any other thoughts or experiences to share?
During Covid-19 my practice slowed down a lot! At that time, I was only practicing Bikram at a studio in Houston and I could not replicate the heat and humidity required for safely practicing that type of yoga. When I started again, I was in Madrid, in a new studio where I did not know anybody. I was really scared to start again and I was afraid I could not endure the demands of the class anymore. The moment I entered the hot room, I felt I was reuniting myself with an old friend. The practice was there for me, just as I left it. So, I embrace the 90-minute class session with a big smile, even through Camel Posel!