Sun Prairie Yogi of the Month: Shelia Postler | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Sun Prairie Yogi of the Month: Shelia Postler

How did you get started at Dfly?
Since it was local I got curious after driving by running errands – thought I’d check it out.

What is/was your yoga/BarreAmped experience before Dfly?
After a lifelong struggle to find the right for me fitness/weight and mental management I started yoga several years ago my job offered “lunchtime yoga” and loved it! It was a great break from my desk job and got me moving. From there I moved to various community yoga groups – SP parks and rec, outdoor yoga, and Badger Fitness offered hot yoga and it intrigued me as I love saunas since I love to detox with all that sweat – it was nice there but was a giant cliché and felt I didn’t fit in so I stopped going.

What do you enjoy most from attending Dfly classes?
What’s not to like?!? The atmosphere – everyone is SO friendly and doesn’t judge bodies or abilities and is genuinely excited to Fly together. The studio is always clean and welcoming and never smells like “the gym”. The bathrooms and showers are also clean and welcoming. D-fly even offers tea, hair ties, and shampoo/conditioner in the showers!

Have you experienced any changes in your total well-being since taking classes?
YES! I feel stronger not just physically but mentally too! I like to arrive to class early to kick-start my mental me time and relax, unplug and get into my headspace to get ready for my workout. I feel so recharged after class is over!

How often do you attend classes? Favorite class?
Typically attend 3-4 various in person classes per week, whenever my schedule allows. Favorite class is Yoga Up! I also really like Barre – can’t wait until it comes back to SP. I’d like to suggest that Sun Prairie D-Fly offer either a weekday Yoga UP early 6 AM class or another evening Yoga Up class to add to the schedule in addition to the Wednesday evening class. Or even a Sunday Yoga Up class would be nice 😊. 45 min classes leave NO excuse for not having ‘time’ to fly!

Please feel free to share any other thoughts you have about Dfly, hot yoga, or your life as we would love to know more about you.
I know D-fly has struggled with the pandemic and business. I have some thoughts I’d like and maybe others might like to see with D-fly: Kids yoga in the SP barre room since is not getting used currently? Kids would really benefit not only physically but mentally too – my 10 year old daughter and your daughter too Nicole 😊 (they both come from divorced homes and spending time at two households – even if life is balanced for them it’s still has challenges and would help keep minds right and do what their Mom’s do to stay healthy) Also, healthy recipe sharing or cooking healthy to share with other yogi’s trying to balance life, health and yoga? In closing D-fly is AMAZING! The heat is detoxing and helps muscles move and grow. Never do the classes get boring. Everyone loves being there – feels great getting ME back after a difficult COVID lockdown and sharing the journey with others that are there for the same reason.