Fitchburg Yogi of the Month: Haley Adams | Dragonfly Hot Yoga Madison WI
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Fitchburg Yogi of the Month: Haley Adams

I started coming to Dragonfly in November of 2016 and I’ve been a monthly member ever since! Fitchburg is my home base, but I’ll occasionally head to Middleton for classes.

I started doing hot yoga when I lived in Boston and joined a studio there in 2014. As a long-time dancer, I craved the flexibility work and enjoyed the athletic challenge. I had put a lot of strain on my body during years of long distance running, and yoga felt like I was treating my body well for the first time in a long time. It wasn’t until I moved and had a lag in my practice that I realized how much the mental challenge and inner peace had changed my way of thinking. Good for the body AND soul! As I’ve moved across the country various places, I’ve always found a studio first, because I consider it a basic need in my life. I travel frequently and always bring my mat in my luggage to create my own “studio” when I need it!

I think what sets both yoga and Dragonfly apart from any other type of physical activity or environment I’ve been in is the never ending challenge. I never get bored, am always pushing further, trying new poses, and most importantly, feel encouraged by the community and instructors to do so, even if I fall (the first 27 times!). I’ve learned to appreciate the discomfort, shake, and urge to leave a pose, because that’s how we grow!

I find that I am better able to handle anything that comes my way. Stress, anxiety, and a busy schedule are inevitable. Therefore, I think learning how to handle it in a way that keeps you healthy is the best thing we can possibly do for ourselves and those we care about. I attend class 5-7 times a week, and I love doubling up to pair a Flow with a Slow Flow or a Yin! My favorite classes to attend regularly are Aroma Slow Flow with Jodi, Flow with Anna, Shawn, and Alyssa, and Chakra Flow with Jill!

I’m so thankful to all the instructors and staff who make Dragonfly a highlight of my day. I’m looking forward to traveling to Portugal this fall for an intensive retreat to become a certified instructor and deepen my own practice. I’m hoping to bring yoga to others through volunteer programs in the area!

Instructor Anna Dobbs: “Haley is so deserving of yogi of the month! Even with her busy life schedule she manages to get to yoga multiples times a week, always with a smile on her face. I have really enjoyed seeing Haley’s practice grow along with getting to know her, and she is such a joy to have in class. Haley manages to be graceful and strong all at the same time, and her flexibility and courage to try new things is admirable! I’m excited to see what time will bring to her practice and her beautiful spirit! Way to go Haley!”