When I was invited to participate in Free To Breathe Yogathon via Dragonfly Hot Yoga (which took place on February 23 at Union South), I was thrilled to volunteer my time representing our wonderful community and for such a great cause. I didn’t realize however, how very few survivors of lung cancer there were. Out of the 300 participants, there were only 5 survivors. “If you have lungs, you can get lung cancer.” It takes the most lives out ALL the cancers combined.
As I walked around assisting, I saw so many names printed with a candle next to it, representing the loved ones lost. It was hard not to get teary eyed. Many were doing Yoga for the first time ever and you could feel the tremendous support they gave each other. Some came in groups, some in trios and pairs, but altogether the common thread was the dedication of love, strength, and lots of courage.
It was such an honor to be one of the teachers guiding the participants in the beautiful breath based practice of Yoga. I found immense joy in seeing them, being with them, easing them into laughter, and most of all Breathing with them and those they dedicated their practice to.
So humbled. So thankful for every breath.
We were so honored to be a part of the 2nd Annual Free to Breathe Madison Yogathon. This event provides an opportunity for lung cancer advocates, survivors and the community to come together to raise awareness and support to fight this disease.
Learn more here.